About the project…
Open Newtown is proud to be leading on the Open Events project, in partnership with Oriel Davies Gallery. This project is funded through the Welsh Government Rural Development Programme and is part of a wider partnership which brings together like minded organisations working in Newtown and its surrounding areas, engaging communities and businesses in sustainably managing their natural resources alongside piloting new models for health, wellbeing, and resilience.
Open Events will support organisations wishing to cultural events in Newtown’s green spaces. This project will work in conjunction with 4 other projects, which together will become part of the driving force for change across Wales until Summer 2023.
Education and understanding are key to achieving environment improvements. We need an ever-increasing number of people, farmers, and business owners to recognise and value their local environment.
Open Newtown, and Oriel Davies Gallery, under the banner ‘Open Events’, will work with the wider partnership to develop a range of cultural events in Newtown’s green spaces, as well as supporting independent committees such as Newtown Carnival Committee.
Open Events aims to unite communities and provide an opportunity to celebrate Newtown’s green and blue assets.
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